Beat The Heat In Style! - 5 Healthy Summer Drinks Of 2024

Beat The Heat In Style! - 5 Healthy Summer Drinks Of 2024

The season of scorching heat and sweaty days is here, and everyone is googling the web for natural ways to improve their health during these hot months. While water still stands as the first choice for keeping up hydration levels in our bodies, there are some summer drinks that can help you beat the heat. They are well served with ice and are meant to keep you healthy and hydrated.

But before we move on to the best summer drinks and their recipes, it is important to understand why switching to these healthy hydrating agents is essential in the long run. In this article, we will discuss the importance of having healthy drinks during the summer season and the top seven on the trending list. Read along!

Why switch to healthy summer coolers?

The awareness has been impressive, from drinking water with several ice cubes in the glass to looking for lasting healthy drinks that prevent dehydration. But do you know why the switch is necessary? If not, don’t worry, we got you!

a. Longer Hydration: While water can be an amazing source of hydration and care, it is not the only one. Healthy summer beverages provide vital antioxidants that provide your cells with sufficient hydration for a longer time.

b. Vital Vitamins: Your body needs its daily dose of essential vitamins to ensure proper nourishment and care. These healthy water substitutes ensure your body gets all it needs without making any extra effort.

c. Skin Quality: With natural ingredients like honey, mint, lemon, etc., going into your digestive system, there is a surety that shows on your facial skin. You witness improved skin health, quality, and texture by making this healthy change.

d. Weight Loss: If you recently switched to some healthy hydrating juices or coolers for the summer, your metabolism levels have improved, leading to better digestion and faster weight loss.

Apart from these major benefits, there are perks like maintaining a good balance between fluid and mineral levels in our body. They also support muscle and bone health and effortlessly provide better energy levels.

5 Popular Drinks To Have In Summer

a. Aam Panna: As the name suggests, this one tops the list as it is a favorite of locals and children alike. You may try Aam Panna with a twist using one shot of vodka of your favorite flavor, along with raw mango pulp, cumin powder, mint leaves, water, and sugar. You may refrigerate it or add ice cubes and serve for better taste!

b. Sattu Sharbat: A lesser known drink from the city of knowledge - Bihar! Known to be highly nutritious and protein-filled, Sattu comes with a light and salty flavor of roasted cumin powder, mint, rock salt, a hint of lime juice, some freshly chopped onions, and water. It keeps you full and improves digestion too!

c. Coconut Smoothie: Craving a nice smoothie to make you feel happily hydrated? Pick the fruit of your choice along with Coconut Milk, Greek Yogurt, and ice to blend them well. Once the texture gets smooth and creamy, it’s time for you to sip and enjoy!

d. Spiced Buttermilk: Curd comes with lasting skincare and healthcare benefits. But when it is flavored with ice, salt, herbs, and the spices of your choice, it gets better in taste and becomes the best pick for the sweaty season.

e. Cranberry Lemonade Punch: This summer beverage uses a tint of cranberry juice cocktail, soda, lemon concentrate, an orange, and some ice cubes. Make your summer cooler a benchmark for hydration and fun with this twisted punch for the season!

Summing it up

Healthy drinks for summer at home are popular these days because they offer multiple benefits every time they are consumed. Natural solutions to any problem are often long-lasting and super- effective. Thus, if you seek health, glowing skin, and sustainable options to keep you high on energy and hydration, go for one or all of these with ice cubes for a sunny yet refreshing experience!

With Ice Please, get the ice of your choice to make your drinks and evenings fun and memorable. We customize as per your needs, to ensure your ice needs are met in a blink. Happy summers!

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